Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This year's crop of black fur-balls?

Last evening, around 5:30 PM, I was just returning home from grocery shopping.  I was reaching for my keys to unlock our back door when I heard some rustling in the shrubbery about 40 feet away at the edge of our property. 
I glanced that way and saw some bushes moving.  Some 20 feet further away from this, I saw a small, black, furry critter that I first assumed to be our neighbor's wild, ferrule cat streaking up a tree.  No...This was just a bit bigger than Kay's wild-eyed cat...and it only had a short, stubby tail!
The little, black fur-ball made it about 25 feet up that lodge-pole pine tree in a couple of seconds.  As he stopped climbing and hesitated for a few seconds, I was running into the house for my camera.
I was afraid I'd miss getting his picture.  I did.  When I was back with the camera, he was gone.  Drat!
I know there had to be two of these little bear cubs but I never saw the first...just the bushes rustling...
...Kind'a glad I never saw the mom, though...
...and I wasn't about to follow them into our surrounding never-never land...
...Mebbe, someday, I'll buy a machete so I can hack my way into the woods, out back?
...Mebbe I'd better not?
...What evil lurks in the dark, out there?  The Shadow knows!

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