Monday, January 18, 2010

Friend?...or foe? (Naw, just a doe)

I happened to notice this little gal as I was wasting time at our TV, this morning.  Dar and I have opposing views about how she should be welcomed... The least I wanted to settle for was a huge, silver salute firecracker to discourage her from coming back!  Of course, Dar rejected the notion...

The pic on the right illustrates why I can do without these critters in our yard!  Dar's response was that she'd only eat a little bit.  But what if she has friends that would destroy this year's shrubbery?  I yelled and made wierd noises.  (you know how offensive I can be) This li'l gal was totally "non-plussed" (not impressed) by my wierd sounds...  She was about 10 feet from the corner of our house and I was on our front step.  ...Arrogant little filly just sauntered a few feet away and went back to munching!!  (Now where did I leave my deer rifle?  Mumble--mumble...somebuddy's dang-nabbed pet, she was...)

I think I'd rather have a bear visit us...if this gets to be a habit... at least they'll amble off if'n I bellers at 'em....

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